Photo Sessions During COVID-19 Stay-At-Home Mandate
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By Adriana Escalante
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Photo Sessions During COVID-219 Stay-At-Home Mandate

As we sail through this difficult time in our fight against the COVID-19 virus, most photo sessions will be rescheduled and postponed to a safer time in the year.  I truly hope everyone is safe, healthy and strong.  

Since we are facing so much uncertainty and we do not know long will it take for non-essential businesses to reopen, I am happy to lift the 6-month grace period for rescheduling and using your already paid booking fee. The new 6-month grace period would start again when Adriana Escalante Photography fully reopens again. 

I understand that some booked photoshoots were meant for Mother's Day and Father's Day so let's touch base, wait it out a bit, and discuss what can be done before then.  Mostly likely those photo shoots would have to be held outdoors.  Alternatively, we can transfer the booking fee into a Gift Card for Mom and Dad for a later time.

If we decide it is safe that we can do the photoshoot in the next few weeks, they would be as professional and enjoyable as always.  I would be strictly taking the recommended precautions as indicated by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to comply with social distancing and hygiene requirements.

I would be wearing a mask, gloves, and would be composing the photos without touching the subject.  I would be using lens (85mm & 70-200mm) to keep a safe 6-feet distance at all times to ensure the recommended social distancing.

As we are all in this together,  Adriana Escalante Photography wants to show its utmost social responsibility and care for its clients.

Please feel free to call me, send me an email or text that we will be happy to answer any of your questions, and schedule your next photoshoot.

¡Hasta la vista!


Tags: #covid19