8 Wardrobe Tips for your Lifestyle & Branding Session
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By Adriana Escalante Boutique Photography
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Dressing correctly for your lifestyle branding photoshoot is a must.  

Here is why.

Your wardrobe choices need to be purposeful, cohesive, and stylish, and I would dare to say too timeless so that your photos turn out amazing.

Whether you hired a wardrobe stylist or not, these are FIVE (5) things to keep in mind when selecting your outfits for your lifestyle branding photoshoot:

  • Clothing choices must match your [personal] brand image
  • What you wear must communicate personality, professionalism, and your own sense of style
  • What you wear must appeal to your audience and customers
  • What you wear must be comfortable
  • What you wear you must love and love how it makes you look

Already noted down? Great!

I know...selecting outfits is not easy for everyone. 

That is why I have put together these 8 wardrobe tips for your lifestyle branding session that will help you tremendously in deciding what to bring.

Let's take a look...


TIP #1:  Wear solid colors vs. prints

  • Solid colors are less distracting
  • Prints can be distracting and take away the attention from you or clash in busy backgrounds unless it is your brand logo
  • If you choose a print make sure it suits your brand, brand colors, or your personality
  • Avoid busy prints and wild patterns that will claim the viewer's attention
  • Avoid prints with dates, faces, etc. 


TIP #2:  Wear your brand colors, if applicable

  • The palette color of your wardrobe choices should match and combine with your brand colors
  • Be tasteful and creative incorporating your brand colors using accessories or outfit pieces.
  • You can use bags, scarves, tights, shoes, headpieces, props, etc. to incorporate your brand colors.
  • Avoid neon or bright colors that will overpower the viewer's attention (if part of your brand colors, use them subtly)


TIP #3: Wear clothes that fit, look well, and feels good

  • Must be comfortable
  • Must be properly fitted
  • Must look professional 
  • Must complement your figure
  • Remove tags that irritate or itch your skin
  • must be stylish and timeless so that you can use your images over and over again
  • Avoid loose, slouchy, ill-fitting, tight, skin-tight, and uncomfortable pieces
  • Avoid fabrics that are fastidious, irritating, or itchy
  • Avoid clothing that you wouldn't normally wear so that you feel yourself at all times
  • Avoid trendy pieces -- this is not a fashion trend photoshoot


TIP #4: Get a manicure and pedicure as part of your wardrobe prep

  • Hands are important in a photoshoot because they are visible all the time
  • Unmanicured nails look bad and can ruin a headshot or a nice closeup pose
  • Feet are not as visible but if you decide to wear sandals, they will become more visible
  • Choose a neutral, natural, or color that matches or combines with your brand color palette


TIP #5: Accessorize your outfit

  • Use bags, shoes, scarves, sunshades to make your outfit more stylish
  • Jewelry completes an outfit, but be careful not to overdo it, try to remain elegant and polished
  • Avoid using outlandish, trendy, bold, or statement pieces that will steal away the focus from you


TIP #6: Bring clean and ironed or steamed wardrobe

  • Make sure your clothes are clean (no makeup, grease, or food stains)
  • Bring ironed or steamed clothing
  • Wrinkles and pronounced creases are distracting and take away the attention from you
  • Bring clothing in good condition
  • Avoid clothing that is old, dated, and worn out - don't photograph well and are distracting


TIP #7:  Wear heels 

  • Heels elevate (literally) your outfit to the next level
  • Heels help elongate the body from toes up and make you longer, which is very flattering
  • Wear comfortable heels
  • Bring a combination of dressier shoes, sandals, booties depending on the season
  • Bring shoes in good condition and versatile
  • If wearing tights or nylons try to keep the shoes in the same color
  • Avoid old beaten shoes or brand new ones that you have not broken into 


TIP #8:  Bring clothing options and consider the season

  • Bring at least 4 pre-styled looks to play with
  • Bring a few extra tops or bottoms just in case we need to restyle certain looks or create new or extra ones
  • Bring a combination of dressy, business, and casual looks to add to your pool of choices and uses
  • Keep in mind the season of the photoshoot to put together your outfits
  • Avoid bringing skin-tight or revealing pieces that show too much skin, low-cut tops, mini dresses, or skirts.
  • Avoid too seasonal pieces of clothing


BONUS TIP:  Wear shapewear | Undergarments matter

  • they lift
  • they tighten
  • they shape
  • they smooth out bumps, lines, and underwear
  • they make curves wow!


Remember that the goal of your lifestyle/branding images is to:

  • Showcase you and your wonderful personality for your business and self-promotion
  • Look polished and professional at all times so that your audience take you seriously

My ultimate recommendation to my clients is to consult or hire a fashion stylist for the photoshoot as they can put together some gorgeous looks in ways that you or I would not have think of. 

It is a great decision if fashion and styling yourself is not your thing. 

Plus, hiring a fashion stylist also takes away all the stress prior to and during your shoot. 


Nonetheless, I hope these wardrobe tips will make you feel confident and prepared for your lifestyle/brand photoshoot

Don't forget to check out these other posts about beauty tips and what to wear for your shoot as well:

Should you have any additional questions on how to best prepare for your photo session, please feel free to email me, text, or call me at 571-295-8060.


¡Hasta la vista!