Beauty & Fashion
Of course! The Candy Shop Fashion Editorial was all about the fashion and the beauty -- not really the candy! However, the candy colors did play an important role when putting together the final looks. All the outfits and the overall styling needed to look sweet, addictive, colorful, and playful at the same time.
There was a total of 7 different looks, half of them needed a change of hairstyling and makeup. So, yes, it was a long day at the Candy Shop Fashion Editorial!
In the beginning, we thought that The Candy Girl needed to pose more like a marionette doll. As in so many shoots, the vision starts shaping in a slightly different direction.
In other words, even after all the planning and brainstorming, the vision evolves during the actual shoot, and usually for the better.
The candy girl was no longer a marionette doll, but an alive doll who needed to be stylish and fashionable, but also showed her goofiness and some sloppiness as the sugar crush kicked in from look to look like when eating her popcorn and overdosing with sugar.
What a treat this fashion editorial was!
Pun intended!
Needless to say, popcorn, marshmallows, and candy wraps were all over the floor; definitely part of the fun for sure!
The Props
Getting the props was entertaining, to say the least. Candy and sweets were definitely key to conveying the sweet message of the story. They needed to be visible and show the addictive bliss of a sugar crush.
We all love blowing bubble gums. I do. But, before they get big, they usually pop. Since we couldn't have Hannah chewing gum and trying to blow bubbles and catch them on time before they popped, we had to think of another efficient way to get her to blow the perfect bubble gum.
The trick blow a small balloon! Say, what? Yep!
How about her "popcorn" shades? Yes, we crafted them on set! Check out the behind-the-scenes!
Her whimsical hairdos were other important elements that finished the total looks. The unusual hair accessories of the funky hairdos were partly made with candy, and of toddler's costume "My Little Pony" that we found in Home Goods! Haha!
You can now imagine how fun it was shopping for all these props, and executing the fashion editorial.